Where Comedy is Most Effective in the Marketing Funnel
The hotel manager was pounding on the door outside the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle. Inside were two sturdy productio
The Fatal Mistake Writers Make Creating Comedic Commercials
I scrambled on stage slinging a clapboard in one hand. Some fans in the crowd noticed and started screaming in anticipation. As I made a gia
The Secret Formula to Make Everyone Love Your Pre-roll Ads
I was directing a commercial for AT&T when the composer emailed me a handful of music samples based on my initial notes. My feedback was tha
Why Hiring Comedians Is a High-Stakes Gamble for Brands
I was fast asleep on a bed of saddle blankets in a barn in East Texas. The night before I’d winged halfway across the country on the red-eye
The Most Amazing Method for Writing Killer Jokes
We locked eyes. The next thing I knew a determined account executive was rushing me from across the room like I had just set her tabby cat o
How Comedy in Advertising has Changed over Time
I was wrapping studio cables as fast as humanly possible. Once you’ve mastered the basic over/under hand technique, maintaining a steady rhy
15 Comedy Hacks Every Young Writer Needs to Know
I was sweating like an expectant father at a trendy New York post house. It was the first session I’d ever produced, a small story MTV News
29 Simple Comedic Devices that Make Advertising Irresistible
Due to a series of mistakes, I was standing in the middle of an auditorium surrounded by 14 production assistants. Their combined years of p