We Really Do Not Want to Talk to You
How Content Marketing Will Save Advertising - A lot of consumers don’t want to talk to anyone if they can avoid it. Especially marketers.
What to Plagiarize, and What Never to Plagiarize
My client pointed out that Shakespeare’s King Lear isn’t an original story. Neither is Hamlet, considered one of greatest works in English l
What No One Tells You About Writing a Blog Post
Cut the preamble. The first couple sentences need to grab readers by the throat. No time to dilly-dally. Pull them in. I immediately stick r
What Happens When Digital Marketing Ignores New Privacy Laws
The new European Union law called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects their citizens from marketers who obtain private in
If It's Not Valuable It's Not Content Marketing
Today, everyone goes to great lengths to avoid ads. It’s becoming easier and simpler to avoid them with DVR’ed programs and ad blockers. Tha
47 Hacks that Make an Incredible Difference for Blogs
1. Shorter headlines get more views than longer headlines.
2. Headlines should be no longer than 65 characters for mobile.
3. Headlines sh